The War on Whites: how hating white people became the new national sport - Ed Brodow
Par LIBRE-LIVRE , le 18 Septembre 2023
Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs have ballooned into a multibillion-dollar industry, but rather than fostering camaraderie and teamwork, these initiatives may be contributing to the country’s racial divide, posits bestselling author and conservative political commentator Ed Brodow.
“Almost every major corporation and government agency has diversity trainings, which they force their employees to take,” Brodow said in a recent interview. “The City of Seattle has a training where it tells the white employees, ‘undo your whiteness.’ Coca-Cola tells its employees, ‘be less white.’”
In his new, No. 1 Amazon Best Seller, The War on Whites: How Hating White People Became the New National Sport, Brodow makes his case for the discriminatory consequences of antidiscrimination measures and advocates for a value system that prioritizes judging people based on the quality of their character instead of the color of their skin.
“Under the widely accepted version of diversity, whites are demonized as oppressors and blacks are disempowered by being told they are helpless, oppressed victims,” Brodow added. “Both contribute to the social disintegration of America.”
Some of the topics Brodow explores in his book include:
• Racism/discrimination against whites
• Systemic racism and white supremacy
• Diversity trainings
• Diversity vs. meritocracy
• The educational system
• Affirmative action
• Black Lives Matter
• Critical Race Theory
• Joe Biden’s presidency
Brodow argues that systemic racism and white supremacy no longer exist thanks to the changes that have occurred in the last 60 years. His arguments are supported by the opinions of leading African-American thinkers, including Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Bob Woodson, Candace Owens, Larry Elder and John McWhorter.
“The War on Whites is a must-read for anyone concerned about the future of America,” Brodow said. “You cannot say in the same breath that giving preference to white males is racist and sexist, but giving preference to minorities and women is not. It has to work both ways. We should be able to accommodate the rights of our minorities without depriving the majority of theirs.”
About the Author
Ed Brodow is a conservative political commentator, negotiation expert and bestselling author of 10 books, including the No. 1 Amazon Best Seller, America on its Knees: The Cost of Replacing Trump with Biden, and the business classic, Negotiation Boot Camp: How to Resolve Conflict, Satisfy Customers, and Make Better Deals. His new book, also a No. 1 Amazon Best Seller, is The War on Whites: How Hating White People Became the New National Sport. He has contributed more than 250 articles as a columnist for American Thinker, Newsmax, BizPacReview, Human Events, Townhall, Daily Caller and other media outlets. An internationally recognized television personality, Brodow has appeared on ABC National News, Fox News, GBNews-UK, Inside Edition, CBS, Fortune Business Report and PBS. He is a former U.S. Marine lieutenant, Fortune 500 sales executive and Hollywood movie actor with starring and supporting roles opposite Jessica Lange, Ron Howard and Christopher Reeve.
For more information, visit www.edbrodowpolitics.com, or follow him on LinkedIn and Twitter at edbrodow, or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/edbrodowpolitics/.
Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/WAR-WHITES-Hating-People-National/dp/B0C63VW28M
Editeur : Independently published
Nombre de pages :193 pages
Prix : $15.26

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